Interview Questions for XHTML

1) What is XHTML?

XHTML is an abbreviation for Extensible Hypertext Markup Language. It is a hybrid of XML and HTML. It is a stricter and more formal version of HTML.

2) Why should you use XHTML?

XHTML is a tighter and more formal version of HTML. i.e.

  • It has elements that are correctly nested.
  • All XHTML elements must be closed at all times.
  • Lower case is required for all XHTML elements.
  • Every XHTML document must contain at least one root element.

It is the reason for its preference over HTML; most web pages have terrible HTML.

3) What is the difference between XHTML and HTML?

There are some differences between XHTML and HTML:

  • A DOCTYPE must be assigned to all documents.
  • The xmlns attribute in html> is required and must provide the document’s xml namespace.
  • HTML>, head>, title>, and body> must all be followed by their respective closing tags.
  • All XHTML tags must be written in lowercase.
  • XHTML tags must all be closed.
  • All XHTML tags must be nesting appropriately.
  • One root element is required in XHTML documents.
  • All XHTML attributes must be properly added.
  • Lower case is required for all XHTML attributes.
  • The name attribute has been updated.
  • Attributes in XHTML cannot be shortened.
  • Attribute values in XHTML must be quoted.

4) How is XHTML superior to HTML?

The following are the reasons why XHTML is superior to HTML:

  • Instead of HTML’s font, colour, and alignment tags, XHTML use style sheets.
  • Style sheets and scripts can be embedded in the CDATA portion of XHTML.
  • The XML of XHTML facilitates the incorporation of new components as SGML subsets.

5) What exactly is XHTML validation?

XHTML validation is the process of validating XHTML documents using the W3C’s validator.

6) Is it more difficult to create code in XHTML than in HTML?

Because XHTML is similar to HTML 4.01, it is simple to implement. Begin writing your HTML code in lowercase letters.

7) Is it possible to overlap elements in XHTML?

Elements in XHTML cannot be overlapping.

8) Can you give an example of how every attribute in XHTML must have a value?

Let us use an example to demonstrate that in XHTML, every attribute must have a value.

In HTML, consider the following:

<ol compact> <input type=”radio” name=”terms” value=”accept” checked>Accept</input>

In XHTML, the following is an example:

<ol compact=”compact” > <input type=”radio” name=”terms” value=”accept” checked=”checked”>Accept</input>


9) What exactly is XHTML Modularization?

XHTML Modularization is the deconstruction of XHTML into a group of abstract modules to enable modularity.

10) What are XHTML Modules used for?

In the XML document type specification language, the XHTML modules are used.

11) Why should you utilise XHTML Modularization?

The term “XHTML modularization” refers to the specification of a well-defined collection of XHTML elements that may be compiled and enhanced. It supports a specific device by utilising standard building blocks and standard building block usage methods.

12) How does DTD work in XHTML?

In XHTML, three forms of DTD are utilised.

  • Strict DTD
  • Transitional DTD
  • Frameset DTD

You can use any of the DTD on the top of the XHTML document.

13) How can I make an XHTML Hello World page?

The XHTML Hello World page looks like this:

<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”iso-8859-1″?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN”
<html xml:lang=”en” lang=”en” xmlns=””>
<title>Hello World</title>
<p>Hello World, this is and example of XHTML</p>

14) Why are modular DTDs required?

Modular DTD makes it easy to deploy new deployments. A subset of XHTML is supported by an application. A mobile phone, Internet TV, and other devices, for example, just require a subset of XHTML.

15) What exactly is DOM?

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standard manner of representation of structured documents as an object-oriented paradigm is known as DOM. It is an application programming interface that allows you to read HTML and XML documents.

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