ASP.Net And Web API Interview Questions With Answers

List of the most frequently asked ASP.Net and Web API Interview Questions, with answers and examples, for beginners and seasoned professionals.

Web Services were thoroughly explained in our previous tutorial. This tutorial will focus on some of the most frequently asked Web API interview questions.

These ASP.Net and Web API Interview Questions are currently popular and are being asked during the technical phases of the hiring process. There are both subjective and objective questions.

The level of difficulty is variable and suitable for both novices and seasoned professionals.

Table of Contents

Best ASP.Net And Web API Interview Questions And Answers

Listed below are the most common ASP.Net and Web API Interview Questions to aid in your preparation for the interview.

Let’s Explore!!

What exactly is ASP.Net?

Active Server Pages is what ASP stands for. Microsoft developed a framework (ASP.Net) that represented the modernised version of legacy ASP. The library files and ASP engine do not require modification during framework installation.

This allowed Internet Information Server (IIS) to maintain both legacy ASP and ASP.Net scripts on the same system. Microsoft’s IIS server is used by ASP.Net and web applications to access Internet-based services. IIS executes every web page script.

What is the meaning of caching in ASP.Net?

Answer: If you frequently visit Google, when you open a new tab on your browser (for example, Chrome), this website will appear in the “most frequently used” section.

This indicates that has been cached on your computer and will load significantly faster than websites that have not been visited recently. This is an illustration of caching.

Caching is thus a mechanism that stores frequently accessed files in the cache memory and accesses them from the cache rather than the actual file or data address.

What are the Types of Caching?

There are three distinct types of caching, as illustrated below:
Page Caching
Data Caching
Fragment Caching

What is the Page Life Cycle? What are the Page Life Cycle’s events?

During the execution of any ASP.Net page, the page undergoes a series of events, beginning with its inception (initialization) and concluding with its rendering. The chronological occurrence of these Page events is known as the Page Life Cycle.

What exactly is ViewState? In which page life cycle event is the ViewState available?

ViewState is a state management technique that enables the storage of user input data on a web page during the PostBack event. ViewState is accessible between the page life cycle events Init and PageLoad.

What is the Lifespan of ViewState items?

The ViewState items have a lifespan proportional to the duration of the current page. They continue to exist as long as the current page does.

What is the Parent Class for every Web Server control?

System.Web.UI.Control is the parent class of all Web Server controls.

How do you store and retrieve values from ViewState?

As is common knowledge, ViewState stores the page’s value and user inputs on a Page.

Following is an example of storing and retrieving a value from ViewState.

Testing Example; / Store the value in ViewState.

string value=ViewState[“emp”].

ToString(); /Retrieve details

What is the Base Class that Web Forms inherit from?

Page class serves as the base class for all WebForms.

Write code to send an email from an ASP.Net application.

Writing a code snippet is a common interview question for both and Selenium. We have already discussed how to send an email using Selenium.

The explanation and code for sending an email from an ASP.Net application are provided below.


In the code below, an object for MailMessage is created. Then, the sender and recipient email addresses are specified. The subject line is then specified as Software Testing.

Later, we compose the email’s body, which is then sent via the localhost server using the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.

Code With Comments

MailMessage mail = new MailMessage (); //creating an obj for MailMessage

mail.From = “”; //specifying the sender mail id
mail.To = “”; //specifying the recipient mail id
mail.Subject = “Coderaaa Testing”; //specifying the subject
mail.Body = “Hi, Sending an email”; //drafting the body of the email
SmtpMail.SmtpServer = “localhost”; //sending through the localhost server
SmtpMail.Send (mail); //passing the attribute “mail” in the Smtp.Send()

What exactly is a Query String in ASP.Net?

A query string is a string (collection of characters) that is supplied as part of the address or URL in any web browser. This is frequently followed by a question mark (?).

Request is the query string syntax.


What Is the Difference Between Code-Behind and Code-Inline?

Code Behind refers to code that is written in a separate class file, whereas Code Inline refers to code that is written within an ASP.Net Web Page.
Code Behind contains the extension.aspx.cs or.aspx.vb, whereas Code Inline (as it is used within ASP.Net) simply has the extension.aspx. Inline code is written within


What are ASP.Net Directives? Make a list of all the Key Directives?

Directives are the instructions that describe how the framework will process.aspx pages. Various directives have varied options or properties and can easily offer class names, descriptions, or the names of the files containing the code-behind class for every specific page.

It begins with %@ and concludes with%>.

The syntax is as follows:

<%@[DirectiveType][Attributes or Options]%>

Important Directives:

  • @Page
  • @Assembly
  • @Control
  • @Master
  • @MasterType
  • @Implements
  • @Import
  • @Reference
  • @PreviousPageType
  • @OutputCache
  • @Register

What is the difference between SQL Notifications and SQL Invalidations?

SQL notifications are triggered when there is a change in the data that is copied into the cache.

SQL invalidation is anything (you could call it a parser) that invalidates immediately when it detects a change in the data in the database compared to the copied data in the cache.

What exactly are Session State Modes? List some of the most essential Session State Modes?

The session object maintains information about any particular user who is logged into the system in the session state. This session information can include the user id or password, as well as information on the user’s most recent login and activity.

This session state generates many storage possibilities. In the session state mode, each choice is handled by the value.

Important Session State Mode

State Server Mode: ASP.Net State Service stores session state. The restart of the application in a specific region has no effect on the Session State.
InProc Mode: the default mode in which the session state is stored in the Web Server’s memory.
SQL Server Mode: The SQL Server Database stores the session state. It works similarly to State Server in that it keeps the session state even if the application is restarted.
Custom Mode: Session state is maintained in a custom storage provider in Custom Mode. The user can configure it (Custom Storage Provider).
Off Mode: Turns on the offline mode. The Session State has been disabled.

What exactly is the distinction between Server.Transfer and Response.Redirect?

As we all know, both Server.Transfer and Response.Redirect are used to allow visitors to browse from one page to the next while the page is being executed. The main distinction is that in Server.Transfer (as the name implies), the transfer is performed by the server, but in Response.Redirect, the transfer is performed by the browser.

In, define Web Services?

Web Services are software services that are delivered from one machine to another via a network. These services employ XML and provide data transport through SSL and WSS.

What exactly is a multilingual website?

Multilingual websites are those that support many languages.

These websites’ material is available in a variety of languages and can be translated into numerous languages. MSN, Facebook, and other popular multilingual websites are listed here.

Which object encapsulates a user’s state or data?

The Session Object.

What exactly is a Session Object?

A session object is a type of object that stores data about a user’s session. Name, ID, preferences, any changes in settings, and so on are examples of common information. As a session begins, a Session Object is created and discarded when the session ends.

Describe the distinction between authentication and authorization?

Answer: Authorization is the process of determining whether or not you are an authorised user of the system. This involves verifying the login information.

For example, Facebook login access.

What’s the point of Response Code 201 if Code 200 indicates a successful transaction?

This is a rather perplexing question, to put it mildly. It is up to the App Dev to decide how they want to configure the HTTP response codes in Web API, as all of these codes are customizable by the developer.

As a result, all successful actions can yield a score of either 200 or 201. In most cases, a 200 code indicates a successful operation, while a 201 code indicates a new record was successfully created.

Is there a way to restrict the data that the Web API returns to JSON?

In the header, you should specify “application/json” as the content type.


When designing automated tests and testing tools, which library is used by the testing team?

What is TestAPI and how can I use it to create automated tests and testing tools? Answer: TestAPI is a library (utility) for developing automated tests and testing tools via algorithms.

What kind of parameters can be passed to the API’s URL? Can the same URL be used for both GET and POST?

The answer is that you can define the full destination by passing in a few parameters to the URL. Anything that helps the API get to a specific location, such as a context key or a document key.

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